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G5 Offshore Crane Module: P-3.1

Pre-requisites: G11 + G20 Crane P-2.1

Certified Training: G5 Offshore Crane
Module P-3.1 - G5 Theory
3 days course

1. G11 Module 1 & 2.3
2. G20 Modul P-2.1 

Course start: 08.00 AM - 15.00 PM
Price: NOK 11000,-
There is no VAT on the course.


  • Training materials
  • Theory module P-3.1
  • Diploma
  • Mentor agreement
  • Coffee and hot lunch

Module P-4.1
Mentor agreement.
Practice, minimum 150 hours in a company must be agreed.

Practical test (exam) with an independent sensor must be completed offshore after completion of practical G5 crane training with a Mentor in the company.
Certificate of competence G5

A mentors agreement must be agreed with BIKS before the practical training with G5 Crane starts. Insurance scheme.
Participant must be able to document a minimum of 150 hours of practice with an experienced crane operator -Mentor in the company before the candidate starts practical training.
Mentor must have G5 Certificate.